Are You Getting a Puppy or Kitten? Here’s What You Need to Know

Bringing a new pet home is an exciting experience, especially if you’ve just adopted a playful puppy or a cuddly kitten. However, puppies and kittens require lots of special pet care and attention, and the training process to get them acclimated to your home won’t happen overnight. Fortunately, All Pets Animal Hospital is here to serve as your partner for dedicated veterinary care from your pet’s early years through the rest of their lives. 

Tips for Bringing Your New Pet Home 

Puppies and kittens will take some time to adjust to your home, so it’s beneficial to have a quiet, enclosed space where they can get comfortable. A small room like a bathroom or laundry room can be the perfect place to place your pet’s bed, food and water bowls, and litter box. Puppies can also benefit from crate training. Before bringing your pet home, be sure to stock up on supplies including bowls, beds, food, grooming tools, a leash and collar, and puppy- or kitten-safe toys that can’t be easily swallowed. Puppies and kittens are both naturally playful, but they still need some time to adjust to meeting new people and other animals. Introduce new elements like house guests and other pets gradually, so that your new pet does not become overwhelmed. 

How All Pets Animal Hospital Can Provide the Care Your Pet Needs 

  • General Wellness – To provide your puppy or kitten with the best start in life, you should schedule a wellness visit early on. During this visit, your veterinarian will review all vaccinations, blood tests, and other types of care your pet needs. They’ll also give you plenty of tips and guidance for keeping your puppy or kitten safe and healthy. 
  • Surgical Care – Cats can be spayed and neutered as early as 8 weeks of age. Ideally, you’ll want to schedule this procedure before 5 months of age to prevent negative behaviors like urine spraying. For dogs, 6-9 months of age is standard for spaying and neutering, and larger breeds may need to wait until they are closer to 12 months old. We provide comprehensive surgical care so you can spay or neuter your new pet when the time is right. 
  • Behavioral Training – Behavioral training to curb aggressive or nervous behaviors is best started early in life. We are proud to offer cat and dog training that can strengthen the bond between you and your pet from their earliest years. 
  • Emergency Care – Puppies and kittens can be unpredictable, which means they are prone to unexpected injuries and illnesses. We’re here for your pet’s ups and downs with 24-hour emergency care services in Katy. 

Entrust the animal care experts here at All Pets Animal Hospital to provide your pet with a great start in life. Learn more about our care services on our website or call us at (281) 392-7387 to schedule your pet’s first visit. 

All Pets Animal Hospital & 24-Hour Emergency Care



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