
Read our latest news on pet safety to health tips from our expert emergency vets in Katy, Texas:

Golden retriever puppy

First Aid Tips for Pet Injuries

If your pet has been injured, you should try to render immediate first aid before transporting them to a veterinary hospital. Administering first aid will

Aging Pets and Cognitive Dysfunction

Aging Pets and Cognitive Dysfunction Degenerative brain disease, or Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDS), is far more common than you may think. CDS is defined as

Activity Levels to Consider When Adopting a Dog

Activity Levels to Consider When Adopting a Dog If you’re considering adding a dog to your family, congratulations! Dogs make great companions, and with a little forethought,

Ear Infections in Dogs

Ear Infections in Dogs The cause for most dog ear infections is either yeast or bacteria that’s trapped in the ears. Yet, ear mites, wax

Four Types of Feline Allergies

Four Types of Feline Allergies Did you know that cats, even those who stay indoors, can suffer from allergies? Signs of allergies in cats can be