Creating and Pet First Aid Kit

Having a simple pet first aid kit on hand can save you a trip to the veterinarian, and help you provide immediate care to your pet if he has a minor injury or illness. However, you should always be aware of the warning signs of a pet emergency that necessitates a visit to a veterinary […]

3 Common Winter Pet Emergencies

Winter snowfalls and icy roads may be beautiful from the comfort of your warm home, but they pose a significant risk to your pet. Cats and dogs will still go outside during the colder months to relieve themselves, play, and explore, and the harsh climate can quickly become dangerous. Here are several common winter pet […]

Signs Your Pet May Need an Emergency Veterinary Visit

Unlike humans, our pets cannot tell us what hurts or when they feel ill. Instead, they communicate their discomfort by showing us physical signs that indicate their state of distress. Here are some common signs that you should not wait until morning to bring your animal to the emergency veterinary hospital. Inability to Walk or […]

The Top Halloween Dangers for Cats & Dogs

This Halloween season, be sure to take the necessary precautions to keep your pet out of harm’s way by familiarizing yourself with potential Halloween hazards!  Pet Costumes Can be Dangerous or Stressful  Who doesn’t love a pet in a little Halloween costume? Your pets, that’s who. Some pets have no qualms when it comes to […]