What Is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a fundamental practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine with a history spanning over 2,000 years in China, Korea, and Japan. It involves the insertion of fine needles into specific points on the body—known as acupoints—to stimulate a therapeutic response. Besides needles, other methods such as pressure, heat, and laser light are also commonly used.
How Does It Work?
Acupuncture is based on the concept of meridians, which are channels through which energy flows in the body. By selecting different combinations of acupoints, acupuncturists aim to balance this energy flow and address various health issues. While the exact mechanisms are still not fully understood, there is substantial clinical evidence—over 10,000 published studies in English—that supports its effectiveness.
What Conditions Can Acupuncture Help With?
- Musculoskeletal Issues: Arthritis, hip dysplasia, degenerative joint disease, chronic lameness.
- Neurological Disorders: Intervertebral disc disease (IVDD), seizures, laryngeal paralysis.
- Medical Conditions:
- Gastrointestinal: Inflammatory bowel diseases, chronic constipation.
- Endocrine: Diabetes mellitus.
- Respiratory Issues: Asthma, chronic cough.
- Behavioral Concerns: Anxiety, fear of thunderstorms.
- Geriatric Conditions: General weakness, chronic illnesses.
- Cancer Support: Enhancing quality of life for cancer patients.
Is Acupuncture Safe?
Acupuncture is considered a highly safe therapy when performed by trained veterinary acupuncturists. Complications are extremely rare, making it a reliable option for many pets.
How Often And How Long Will The Treatment Be?
Treatment frequency and duration vary based on the individual condition. Acute issues may require more frequent sessions, while chronic conditions may take longer to show significant improvements. Typically, noticeable clinical improvements are observed within 3 weeks, though achieving substantial results may take up to 10 weeks. Your veterinary acupuncturist will tailor the treatment plan to your pet’s specific needs.
If you have any questions about acupuncture or its suitability for your pet, please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.