The Top Halloween Dangers for Cats & Dogs

This Halloween season, be sure to take the necessary precautions to keep your pet out of harm’s way by familiarizing yourself with potential Halloween hazards! 

Pet Costumes Can be Dangerous or Stressful 

Who doesn’t love a pet in a little Halloween costume? Your pets, that’s who. Some pets have no qualms when it comes to costumes, but for others, they may trigger anxiety and stress. If your pet doesn’t mind his stylish number, it is essential to ensure it does not limit movement, hearing, eyesight, or the ability to eat or drink. Avoid costumes with small parts, as they may be choking hazards. 

Don’t Share Your Chocolate Treats 

Chocolate contains theobromine, which is toxic to pets. The darker the chocolate, the more theobromine it contains. When pets consume too much theobromine, they may experience hyper-excitability, anxiousness, seizures, rapid breathing, vomiting, diarrhea, and abnormal heart rhythms. Chocolate and other candies should be kept away from your pets at all costs! 

Candy Wrappers Should be Kept Out of Your Pet’s Reach

Pets are not the most discerning eaters; many pets will eat the wrappers with the snack they’re chowing down on. Candy wrappers can get lodged in their digestive tract, causing potentially fatal blockages. Vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, loss of appetite, and discomfort may be signs your pet ate something they shouldn’t have, and you should contact your veterinarian immediately! 

Trick-or-Treaters Can be Stressful for Furry Friends 

While you may enjoy seeing all the creative costumes this year, your pet may feel confused or stressed by all the action. An excess number of people in costume in your neighborhood may be scary for your animal. We recommend keeping them in a comfortable, closed-off room so they don’t experience any anxiety and won’t panic and try to escape your home. 

Be Mindful of Alcoholic Beverages

Signature cocktails are a fun aspect of Halloween parties, but not for your pets. Alcohol is toxic to your furry friend and should be kept out of their reach. When a pet ingests alcohol, they may experience sleepiness, weakness, and vomiting. In severe cases, their blood sugar and body temperature may drop, and they will have changes in heart rate and breathing.

Keep your pet safe this Halloween season by discussing potential holiday dangers with your local veterinarian and keeping the number of your emergency veterinary clinic nearby.

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